Thursday, July 19, 2007


Monday after class we walked around Xujiahui and I realized that I did not come to China to buy things at the same price I could’ve bought them from home. Bargaining ONLY from here on out!

At night we hit up Barbarossa which was a sick looking Moroccan styled hookah bar and I FINALLY got to drink a margarita.

so apparently absinthe is legal here...

& that’s all I have to say about that..

Tuesday after regretfully waking up at 8 to go to class, we got to take a Tai Ji lesson (Tai Ji Chuan it’s called) which was super interesting. It’s like really slow so it’s not like we were learning crazy kung foo stuff, although we did get to see this guy do another form of Tai Ji which involved crazy ass stuff. I’m inspired to exercise, when I get back to Berkeley, although I’m pretty sure we all know how that’s going to end up. Anyways, later at night we to a CRAZY ASS acrobatic show which I expected to be, you know decent, but turned out to be goddamned unbelievable. I'm pretty sure i'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...

i dont think this picture accurately captures the snazziness of this place. maybe cause it's blurry. wilder, i don't want to hear it. that's the ritz over there..

starts out normal enough..

crazy asian girls in green costumes with crazy rope things and crazy things they twirl on their crazy rope things. CRAZY

girl can do crazy shit with that fan.

do you actually realize what she's DOING in this picture?


okay i know the picture is super blurry and makes no sense but i took it so i could remember it because it was the cutest/saddest/most romantic act everrrr. it was like a sad love story and they were like flying around on their rope things and doing acrobats together. aww.

crazy balancing. i'm not sure if this picture adequately shows the intensity of her balancing.

ahhh the chair stairs!

okay they put up those chairs like one at a time it was sooo intense.

omg omg what are they doing??


my lover. the guy who was in that romantic act earlier. so hot!

Wednesday we went to XinTianDi which is this shmazzy French hangout.

Pacific Mall

the gigglers.

it was all European styled, it was really cute.

Chinese movie theaters are WAY SICKER.


After Xintiandi, we went to Zapatos.
Uhh, let me just lay out some simple mathematics for you:
free margaritas + fiona = drunk fiona.
5 free margaritas + drunk fiona = dancing on a bar.
i know it sounds totally Girls Gone Wild but there was something NOT so slutty about it at the time. I promise. & there were lots of girls AND BOYS on the bar.
However, that does NOT mean that there are NOT questionable pictures of me floating around on the internet.

A double negative may or may not make a positive.

really rockin the asian glow.


& to divert attention away from that (sorry mom& dad),new places I've found out mosquitos can bite you:
-your hand, like the inside, like your PALM
-the back of your neck
-behind your ear
-your VERY upper thigh
-your FACE, your FACE, your goddamned FACE.

1 comment:

白宁 said...

that guy from the acrobat show is such a babe!!! you have to save the names/place of all the cool things you do so i can go find them when i go to myself! (insert broken heart)