Thursday, July 12, 2007

"korean girls are is common sense"

Last night was so so so fun!. We got to talk to some students that were studying finance. They spoke English so we talked to them for like 30-40 minutes about anything and everything. My new chinese friends (pengyou) were Sky and Fiona (!!!)

Sky, Fiona, Fiona

They wanted to know all about California, America and asked me what I thought about China. Talking to them was my first real interaction with Chinese students (besides all the staring they do at me!) and it was really cool to hear what they had to say. They informed me that people staring at me was not because I’m weird looking but because they are so interested and probably would love to talk to me but cannot/will not. i should wear a shirt that says SHUO GEN WO (talk to me!). dont know if it'd work though. they also told me some cool places to visit and stuff :]

Later I went to student’s apartment by Xujiahui Lu (famous for thopping malls and the like) and ate a traditional Chinese dinner prepared by her parents.

it was so so so delicious.

The student's house I was at was named Anita and she was so cute. She also studied finance and wanted to eventually make it to Canada. She informed of many things such as the Chinese still hate the Japanese but love Koreans (common sense, duh). Korean girls are pretty (again, common sense). She told me about how much Chinese students study and how many classes they have to take and was so shocked about the fact that I only took 4 classes in college and usually not more than a couple hours a day. She also informed that my Chinese name (Tan Youna, i dont know if i can find the characters anywhere) was strong and means many things but along the line of beautiful, ghostlike (feminine, delicate, "ghost in a good way" she tells me) and female. Good enough for me.

Anita is second from the right and her teacher (Sandra) was on the very right. Chinese students have very close relationships with her teacher it seems like, as the teacher accompanied us to dinner and talked freely to Anita and her parents. Sky & Fiona earlier informed that they had just been at her house and watched TV.

After dinner, Sandra took us walking around XuJiaHui, which is a famous and big road with lots of shopping miles that Anita lived very close to. Since it was pretty late, most malls were closed but it was fun to walk around.

sorry, i'll remember to turn my pictures over when i get the time!

shanghai at night is much cooler looking...

didn't realize that was blurry til about 5 seconds from now

that's a MALL!

another mall!

That's all for now. Today class was loooong and boooring but tonight we are going to go clubbing. Friday nights are apparently THE NIGHT, so i'll let you know how it goes if i ever make it back alive!

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