Sunday, July 15, 2007

what happens in Shanghai, stays in Shanghai...

unless of course you write about it in your...say, blog...?

People do NOT lie when they talk about Shanghai clubbing. We started our night by going to a club called Babyface which was semi-cool until of course a few tequila shots later, when it became SUPER-cool. It was mostly full of asian people, which was fine, but not when they're the same age as my dad. Then it gets a little bit creepy.

I wish this picture could adequately capture the TRIPPING OUT i was experiencing because of the crazy lights and bass

apparently taking pictures was forbidden! oops!

snuck in! muahaha!

Few hours later, once my heart got tired of vibrating to the INTENSE bass we dragged our asses to Attica which was more of an expat club. Attica turned out to be full of creepy men as well, just European, and was far more expensive. BUT THE VIEW! oh the view. The view of the bund! it looked something like this...

Okay, so maybe I did not take that picture. Mine came out more like this...

but I swear in real life it was far more bright and expansive!

Attica turned out to be great, once I got past getting hit on by MARRIED drunk women. We grooved and shook our booties until about 4:30 although I swear it felt like 1. Anyways, I was ready to keep going but my friends were weak (weak, i say!) and so we came home. Which was fine and dandy I suppose except that my dorm building was locked! YES! probably a [slightly] inebriated girl's worst nightmare! Not only locked, but I didn't have my cell phone, which i'm not sure wouldn't have helped much anyways because I don't have my number stored in it anyways. So there I was, by myself, outside my dorm at 5AM now. The boys I was with dropped me off down the street and went to their dorm building, which is away from mine. The only option I had was to go to their dorm, except in said state, finding it proved difficult. I was wondering around until I found some Russians (Boris and YezKhaldiah...i swear it was something like that) who pointed me the right way. So I thankfully found A dorm to sleep in, if not MY dorm. I passed out on the floor of my friend's room and walked my walk of shame home this morning. IT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT!

Of course, this morning I found out that there was a bell I could ring in order to be let in.

Of course there's a goddamned bell...

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