Wednesday, August 1, 2007

only a few more days...

so so so so sad!
i can't believe it's been a month already!
it's so funny because in the beginning i totally hated it here and i was like...3 weeks to go...
but now i don't want to go backkkk.
there's so much to see, so much to do here.

i'm seriously, SERIOUSLY thinking about studying abroad again in China.
if i had already been to europe i would definitely come back.
but there's too many places in the world to see!

anyone want to come live here with me in a few years?
we'll get sweet jobs and dance our life away.
yeah yeah?

anyways, pictures..

dumpling place. mmm, i'm going to miss the dumplings. dollar dumplings.

pearl tower again.

but this time, inside!

mmm smog

the sun exists..somewhere, behind all those layers of smogg

the tallest the woooorld.

1 comment:

白宁 said...

i'll come back with you to china in a few years and get awesome jobs and eat dollar dumplings and drink free margaritas and dance on bars!!!!!!